(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.1)
OAuth::getRequestToken — Fetch a request token
Fetch a request token, secret and any additional response parameters from the service provider.
URL to the request token API.
Returns an array containing the parsed OAuth response on success or NULL on failure.
例1 OAuth::getRequestToken() example
try {
$request_token_info = $oauth->getRequestToken("https://example.com/oauth/request_token");
if(!empty($request_token_info)) {
} else {
print "Failed fetching request token, response was: " . $oauth->getLastResponse();
} catch(OAuthException $E) {
echo "Response: ". $E->lastResponse . "\n";
上の例の出力は、たとえば 以下のようになります。
Array ( [oauth_token] => some_token [oauth_token_secret] => some_token_secret )