
提供: セキュリティ
移動: 案内検索
(ページの作成:「RATS (Rought Auditing Tool for Security)とは、もともとSecure Software Inc が開発したセキュリティのための監査ツールです。 '''読み方...」)

2013年11月5日 (火) 00:24時点における版

RATS (Rought Auditing Tool for Security)とは、もともとSecure Software Inc が開発したセキュリティのための監査ツールです。




C, C++, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby(もうじき) のソースコードスキャンし、バッファオーバーフロー や TOCTOU(Time Of Check, Time Of Use) 競合状態 などの一般的なセキュリティに関連するプログラミングエラーを見つけます。名前の通り、ラフなソースコード分析を実行するツールです。そのため、すべてのエラーを見つけることも、エラーでないものを見つけることもあります。



ports コレクションからインストールする場合

cd /usr/ports/security/rats
sudo make install clean


sudo pkg install rats


sudo portmaster -y -d /usr/ports/security/rats


sudo portinstall /usr/ports/security/rats


apt-get コマンドでインストールする場合です。

sudo apt-get install rats



Information for rats-2.3:


% rats --help
RATS v2.3 - Rough Auditing Tool for Security
Copyright 2001, 2002 Secure Software Inc
usage: rats [-adhilrwxR] [--help] [--database|--db]  name1 name2 ... namen
    -a <fun>       report any occurence of function 'fun' in the source file(s)
    -d <filename>  specify an alternate vulnerability database.
    -h             display usage information (what you're reading)
    -i             report functions that accept external input
    -l <language>  force the specified langauge to be used
    --language <language>
    -r             include references that are not function calls
    -w <1,2,3>     set warning level (default 2)
    --warning <1,2,3>
    -x             do not load default databases
    -R             don't recurse subdirectories scanning for matching files
    --xml          Output in XML.
    --html         Output in HTML.
                   Follow symlinks and process files found.
                       Don't print initial header in output
                   Don't show timing information footer at end of analysis
                   Don't print status information regarding what file is being analyzed
                   No header, footer, or status information
                   Show column number of hte line where the problem occured.
                   Display the line of code that caused the problem report




% cat -n buffer_over.c
     1  int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
     2  {
     3          char s[3];
     4          s[1234] = '\0';
     5          return 0;
     6  }% rats  -l c buffer_over.c
Entries in perl database: 33
Entries in ruby database: 46
Entries in python database: 62
Entries in c database: 334
Entries in php database: 55
Analyzing buffer_over.c
buffer_over.c:3: High: fixed size local buffer
Extra care should be taken to ensure that character arrays that are allocated
on the stack are used safely.  They are prime targets for buffer overflow
Total lines analyzed: 7
Total time 0.000110 seconds
63636 lines per second


% cat -n string.c
     1  int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
     2  {
     3          char str[] = "hoge";
     4          str[65535] = '\0';
     5          return 0;
     6  }% rats -l c string.c
Entries in perl database: 33
Entries in ruby database: 46
Entries in python database: 62
Entries in c database: 334
Entries in php database: 55
Analyzing string.c
Total lines analyzed: 7
Total time 0.000115 seconds
60869 lines per second


strcpy は、バッファサイズが指定できないため、strlcpy/strncpy などを利用するべきです。下記のサンプルコードでは、strcpyを使用しているため、ratsが6行目を指摘しています。

% cat -n strcpy.c
     1  #include <string.h>
     2  int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
     3  {
     4          char dst[3];
     5          char src[] = "foo,bar";
     6          (void) strcpy(dst, src);
     7          return 0;
     8  }% rats -l c strcpy.c
Entries in perl database: 33
Entries in ruby database: 46
Entries in python database: 62
Entries in c database: 334
Entries in php database: 55
Analyzing strcpy.c
strcpy.c:4: High: fixed size local buffer
Extra care should be taken to ensure that character arrays that are allocated
on the stack are used safely.  They are prime targets for buffer overflow
strcpy.c:6: High: strcpy
Check to be sure that argument 2 passed to this function call will not copy
more data than can be handled, resulting in a buffer overflow.
Total lines analyzed: 9
Total time 0.000122 seconds
73770 lines per second




% cat -n system.php
     1  <?php
     2  //$foo = $_GET['id'];
     3  system ($foo);
     4  system ('echo hoge');
     5  ?>% rats -l php system.php
Entries in perl database: 33
Entries in ruby database: 46
Entries in python database: 62
Entries in c database: 334
Entries in php database: 55
Analyzing system.php
system.php:3: High: system
Argument 1 to this function call should be checked to ensure that it does not
come from an untrusted source without first verifying that it contains nothing
Total lines analyzed: 6
Total time 0.000111 seconds
54054 lines per second
