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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <logevents lecontinue="20171029033215|158" />
      <item logid="168" ns="0" title="hhvm" pageid="11" logpage="11" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Daemon" timestamp="2018-04-25T14:15:15Z" comment="">
        <patrol cur="169" prev="94" auto="1" />
      <item logid="167" ns="0" title="Apache Traffic Serverをインストールする" pageid="67" logpage="67" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Daemon" timestamp="2018-04-15T07:54:17Z" comment="">
        <patrol cur="168" prev="0" auto="1" />
      <item logid="166" ns="0" title="メインページ" pageid="3" logpage="3" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Daemon" timestamp="2018-04-15T07:48:45Z" comment="">
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      <item logid="165" ns="0" title="Ubuntu 17.10のネットワークの設定" pageid="66" logpage="66" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Daemon" timestamp="2018-03-27T10:29:52Z" comment="">
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      <item logid="163" ns="0" title="apt updateのGPG errorのNO PUBKEY F60F4B3D7FA2AF80を解決する方法" pageid="65" logpage="65" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Daemon" timestamp="2017-12-09T04:35:12Z" comment="">
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      <item logid="161" ns="0" title="Ubuntuの環境構築" pageid="54" logpage="54" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Daemon" timestamp="2017-10-29T03:50:54Z" comment="">
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      <item logid="160" ns="0" title="Ubuntuの環境構築" pageid="54" logpage="54" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Daemon" timestamp="2017-10-29T03:32:55Z" comment="">
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      <item logid="159" ns="0" title="Ubuntuにifconfigをインストールする" pageid="64" logpage="64" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Daemon" timestamp="2017-10-29T03:32:49Z" comment="">
        <patrol cur="160" prev="0" auto="1" />