
提供: セキュリティ
移動: 案内検索
(ページの作成:「nasm とは、x86とamd64(x86-64)アセンブラです。逆アセンブラのためのndisasmも含まれます。 '''読み方''' ;nasm:えぬえー...」)

2014年1月12日 (日) 15:43時点における版

nasm とは、x86とamd64(x86-64)アセンブラです。逆アセンブラのためのndisasmも含まれます。






apt-get コマンドでインストールする場合です。

sudo apt-get install nasm


ports コレクションからインストールする場合

cd /usr/ports/devel/nasm
sudo make install clean


sudo pkg install nasm


sudo portmaster -y -d /usr/ports/devel/nasm


sudo portinstall /usr/ports/devel/nasm


ndisasm -b {16|32|64} filename
ndisasm -o100h filename.com


usage: nasm [-@ response file] [-o outfile] [-f format] [-l listfile]
            [options...] [--] filename
    or nasm -v   for version info
    -t          assemble in SciTech TASM compatible mode
    -g          generate debug information in selected format
    -E (or -e)  preprocess only (writes output to stdout by default)
    -a          don't preprocess (assemble only)
    -M          generate Makefile dependencies on stdout
    -MG         d:o, missing files assumed generated
    -MF <file>  set Makefile dependency file
    -MD <file>  assemble and generate dependencies
    -MT <file>  dependency target name
    -MQ <file>  dependency target name (quoted)
    -MP         emit phony target
    -Z<file>    redirect error messages to file
    -s          redirect error messages to stdout
    -F format   select a debugging format
    -I<path>    adds a pathname to the include file path
    -O<digit>   optimize branch offsets
                -O0: No optimization (default)
                -O1: Minimal optimization
                -Ox: Multipass optimization (recommended)
    -P<file>    pre-includes a file
    -D<macro>[=<value>] pre-defines a macro
    -U<macro>   undefines a macro
    -X<format>  specifies error reporting format (gnu or vc)
    -w+foo      enables warning foo (equiv. -Wfoo)
    -w-foo      disable warning foo (equiv. -Wno-foo)
  this options prepend or append the given argument to all
  extern and global variables
    error                   treat warnings as errors (default off)
    macro-params            macro calls with wrong parameter count (default on)
    macro-selfref           cyclic macro references (default off)
    macro-defaults          macros with more default than optional parameters (default on)
    orphan-labels           labels alone on lines without trailing `:' (default on)
    number-overflow         numeric constant does not fit (default on)
    gnu-elf-extensions      using 8- or 16-bit relocation in ELF32, a GNU extension (default off)
    float-overflow          floating point overflow (default on)
    float-denorm            floating point denormal (default off)
    float-underflow         floating point underflow (default off)
    float-toolong           too many digits in floating-point number (default on)
    user                    %warning directives (default on)
response files should contain command line parameters, one per line.
For a list of valid output formats, use -hf.
For a list of debug formats, use -f <form> -y.
