


ViewVC - http://www.viewvc.org/


cd /usr/ports/devel/viewvc/
sudo make install clean




Alias /viewvc "/usr/local/viewvc/bin/cgi/"
#<Directory "%%PRFIX%%/viewvc/bin/cgi">
<Directory "/usr/local/viewvc/bin/cgi">
   AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
   Options NONE +ExecCGI
   DirectoryIndex  /viewvc/viewvc.cgi
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all


Subversion をメインにした設定

# Configuration file for ViewVC
# Information on ViewVC is located at the following web site:
#     http://viewvc.org/

# For correct operation, you will probably need to change the following
# configuration variables:
#    cvs_roots (for CVS)
#    svn_roots (for Subversion)
#    root_parents (for CVS or Subversion)
#    default_root
#    rcs_path or cvsnt_exe_path
#    mime_types_file 
# It is usually desirable to change the following variables:
#    address
#    forbidden
#    use_enscript
#    use_cvsgraph
# For Python source colorization:
#    py2html_path
# To optimize delivery of ViewVC static files:
#    docroot
# To customize the display of ViewVC for your site:
#    template_dir
#    the [templates] override section

# This file is delineated by sections, specified in [brackets]. Within each
# section, are a number of configuration settings. These settings take the
# form of: name = value. Values may be continued on the following line by
# indenting the continued line.
# WARNING: indentation *always* means continuation. name=value lines should
#          always start in column zero.
# Comments should always start in column zero, and are identified with "#".
# Certain configuration settings may have multiple values. These should be
# separated by a comma. The settings where this is allowed are noted below.
# Any other setting that requires special syntax is noted at that setting.


# This setting specifies each of the CVS roots on your system and assigns
# names to them. Each root should be given by a "name: path" value. Multiple
# roots should be separated by commas and can be placed on separate lines.
cvs_roots = cvs: /home/cvsroot

# This setting specifies each of the Subversion roots (repositories)
# on your system and assigns names to them. Each root should be given
# by a "name: path" value. Multiple roots should be separated by
# commas and can be placed on separate lines.
#svn_roots = svn: /home/svnrepos
svn_roots = svn: /home/svnroot

# The 'root_parents' setting specifies a list of directories in which
# any number of repositories may reside.  Rather than force you to add
# a new entry to 'cvs_roots' or 'svn_roots' each time you create a new
# repository, ViewVC rewards you for organising all your repositories
# under a few parent directories by allowing you to simply specifiy
# just those parent directories.  ViewVC will then notice each
# repository in that directory as a new root whose name is the
# subdirectory of the parent path in which that repository lives.
# You can specify multiple parent paths separated by commas or new lines.
# Caution: these names can, of course, clash with names you have
# defined in your cvs_roots or svn_roots configuration items.  If this
# occurs, you can either rename the offending repository on disk, or
# grant new names to the clashing item in cvs_roots or svn_roots.
# Each parent path is processed sequentially, so repositories under
# later parent paths may override earlier ones.
#root_parents = /home/svn-repositories : svn,
#               /home/cvs-repositories : cvs

# this is the name of the default root
# (ignored when root_as_url_component is turned on)
#default_root = cvs
default_root = svn

# uncomment if the RCS binaries are not on the standard path
#rcs_path = /usr/bin/

# ViewVC can use CVSNT (www.cvsnt.org) instead of the RCS 
# utilities to retrieve information from CVS repositories.
# To enable use of CVSNT, set the "cvsnt_exe_path" value
# to the path of the CVSNT executable. (If CVSNT is on the
# standard path, you can also set it to the name of the
# CVSNT executable). By default "cvsnt_exe_path" is set to
# "cvs" on Windows and is not set on other platforms.
#cvsnt_exe_path =
#cvsnt_exe_path = cvs
#cvsnt_exe_path = K:\Program Files\cvsnt\cvs.exe
#cvsnt_exe_path = /usr/bin/cvs

# use rcsparse python module to retrieve cvs repository information instead
# of invoking rcs utilities. this feature is experimental
use_rcsparse = 0

# uncomment if the svn command-line utilities are not on the standard path
#svn_path = /usr/bin/

# This is a pathname to a MIME types file to help viewvc to guess the
# correct MIME type on checkout.
# If you are having problems with the default guess on the MIME type, then
# uncomment this option and point it at a MIME type file.
# For example, you can use the mime.types from apache here:
#mime_types_file = /usr/local/apache/conf/mime.types

# This address is shown in the footer of the generated pages. 
# It must be replaced with the address of the local repository maintainer.
address = <a href="mailto:cvs-admin@insert.your.domain.here">No admin address has been configured</a>

# This should contain a list of modules (that is, top-level directories within 
# repositories) that should not be displayed (by default or by explicit path
# specification).
# This configuration can be a simple list of modules, or it can get quite
# complex:
#   *) The "!" can be used before a module to explicitly state that it
#      is NOT forbidden. Whenever this form is seen, then all modules will
#      be forbidden unless one of the "!" modules match.
#   *) Shell-style "glob" expressions may be used. "*" will match any
#      sequence of zero or more characters, "?" will match any single
#      character, "[seq]" will match any character in seq, and "[!seq]"
#      will match any character not in seq.
#   *) Tests are performed in sequence. The first match will terminate the
#      testing. This allows for more complex allow/deny patterns.
# Tests are case-sensitive.
# NOTE: This is for the hiding of modules within repositories, *not* 
# for the hiding of repositories (roots) themselves.
# Some examples:
# Disallow "example" but allow all others:
#   forbidden = example
# Disallow "example1" and "example2" but allow all others:
#   forbidden = example1, example2
# Allow *only* "example1" and "example2":
#   forbidden = !example1, !example2
# Forbid modules starting with "x":
#   forbidden = x*
# Allow modules starting with "x" but no others:
#   forbidden = !x*
# Allow "xml", forbid other modules starting with "x", and allow the rest:
#   forbidden = !xml, x*, !*
forbidden =

# This is similar to 'forbidden', but differs in some key ways:
#   *) Rather than shell-style "glob" expressions, the values in this
#      list are regular expressions.  You can still prepend a ! character
#      to each regular expression to invert its meaning, though.
#   *) It compares not against modules only, but against paths consisting
#      of the repository (or root) name plus the path of the versioned file
#      or directory to be tested.  For example, to see if the user is 
#      authorized to see the path "/trunk/www/index.html" in the repository
#      whose root name is "svnrepos", this authorizer will test the path
#      "svnrepos/trunk/www/index.html" against the list of forbidden regular
#      expressions.  Directory paths will be terminated by a forward slash.
# NOTE: Use of this configuration option will *disable* any configuration of
# the 'forbidden' option -- they cannot be used simultaneously.
# Some examples:
#    Disallow files named "PRIVATE", but allow all others:
#       forbiddenre = /PRIVATE$
#    Allow only the "example1" and "example2" roots and the paths inside them,
#    disallowing all others (which can be done in multiple ways):
#       forbiddenre = !^example1(/|$), !^example2(/|$)/
#       forbiddenre = !^example[12](/|$)
#    Only allow visibility of HTML files and the directories that hold them:
#       forbiddenre = !^.*(/|\.html)$
forbiddenre = 

# This option provides a mechanism for custom key/value pairs to be
# available to templates. These are stored in key/value files (KV files).
# Pathnames to the KV files are listed here, specified as absolute paths
# or relative to this configuration file. The kV files follow the same
# format as this configuration file. It may have multiple, user-defined
# sections, and user-defined options in those sections. These are all
# placed into a structure available to the templates as:
# Note that an option name can be dotted. For example:
#    [my_images]
#    logos.small = /images/small-logo.png
#    logos.big = /images/big-logo.png
# Templates can use these with a directive like: [kv.my_images.logos.small]
# Note that sections across multiple files will be merged. If two files
# have a [my_images] section, then the options will be merged together.
# If two files have the same option name in a section, then one will
# overwrite the other (it is unspecified regarding which "wins").
# To further categorize the KV files, and how the values are provided to
# the templates, a KV file name may be annotated with an additional level
# of dotted naming. For example:
#    kv_files = [asf]kv/images.conf
# Assuming the same section as above, the template would refer to an image
# using [kv.asf.my_images.logos.small]
# Lastly, it is possible to use %lang% in the filenames to specify a
# substitution of the selected language-tag.
kv_files =

# example:
# kv_files = kv/file1.conf, kv/file2.conf, [i18n]kv/%lang%_data.conf

# The languages available to ViewVC. There are several i18n mechanisms
# available:
#   1) using key/value extension system and reading KV files based on
#      the selected language
#   2) GNU gettext to substitute text in the templates
#   3) using different templates, based on the selected language
# ### NOTE: at the moment, the GNU gettext style is not implemented
# This option is a comma-separated list of language-tag values. The first
# language-tag listed is the default language, and will be used if an
# Accept-Language header is not present in the request, or none of the
# user's requested languages are available. If there are ties on the
# selection of a language, then the first to appear in the list is chosen.
languages = en-us

# other examples:
# languages = en-us, de
# languages = en-us, en-gb, de
# languages = de, fr, en-us


# root_as_url_component: Interpret the first path component in the URL
# after the script location as the root to use.  This is an
# alternative to using the "root=" query key. If ViewVC is configured
# with multiple repositories, this results in more natural looking
# ViewVC URLs.
# Note: Enabling this option will break backwards compatibility with
# any old ViewCVS URL which doesn't have an explicit "root" parameter.
root_as_url_component = 0

# default_file_view: "log" or "co"
# Controls whether the default view for file URLs is a checkout view or
# a log view. "log" is the default for backwards compatibility with old
# ViewCVS URLs, but "co" has the advantage that it allows ViewVC to serve
# static HTML pages directly from a repository with working links
# to other repository files
# Note: Changing this option may cause old ViewCVS URLs that referred
# to log pages to load checkout pages instead.
default_file_view = log

# checkout_magic: Use checkout links with magic /*checkout*/ prefixes so
# checked out HTML pages can have working links to other repository files
# Note: This option is DEPRECATED and should not be used in new ViewVC
# installations. Setting "default_file_view = co" achieves the same effect
checkout_magic = 0

# http_expiration_time: Expiration time (in seconds) for cacheable
# pages served by ViewVC.  Note that in most cases, a cache aware
# client will only revalidate the page after it expires (using the
# If-Modified-Since and/or If-None-Match headers) and that browsers
# will also revalidate the page when the reload button is pressed.
# Set to 0 to disable the transmission of these caching headers.
http_expiration_time = 600

# generate_etags: Generate Etag headers for relevant pages to assist
# in browser caching.
#   1      Generate Etags
#   0      Don't generate Etags
generate_etags = 1

# sort_by: File sort order
#   file   Sort by filename
#   rev    Sort by revision number
#   date   Sort by commit date
#   author Sort by author
#   log    Sort by log message
sort_by = file

# sort_group_dirs: Group directories when sorting
#   1      Group directories together
#   0      No grouping -- sort directories as any other item would be sorted
sort_group_dirs = 1

# hide_attic: Hide or show the contents of the Attic subdirectory
#   1      Hide dead files inside Attic subdir
#   0      Show the files which are inside the Attic subdir
hide_attic = 1

# log_sort: Sort order for log messages
#   date   Sort revisions by date
#   rev    Sort revision by revision number
#   cvs    Don't sort them. Same order as CVS/RCS shows them.
log_sort = date

# diff_format: Default diff format
#   h      Human readable
#   u      Unified diff
#   c      Context diff
#   s      Side by side
#   l      Long human readable (more context)
diff_format = h

# hide_cvsroot: Don't show the CVSROOT directory
#   1      Hide CVSROOT directory
#   0      Show CVSROOT directory
hide_cvsroot = 1

# set to 1 to make lines break at spaces,
# set to 0 to make no-break lines,
# set to a positive integer to make the lines cut at that length
hr_breakable = 1

# give out function names in human readable diffs
# this just makes sense if we have C-files, otherwise
# diff's heuristic doesn't work well ..
# ( '-p' option to diff)
hr_funout = 0

# ignore whitespaces for human readable diffs
# (indendation and stuff ..)
# ( '-w' option to diff)
hr_ignore_white = 1

# ignore diffs which are caused by
# keyword-substitution like $Id - Stuff
# ( '-kk' option to rcsdiff)
hr_ignore_keyword_subst = 1

# Enable highlighting of intraline changes in human readable diffs
# this feature is experimental and currently requires python 2.4
hr_intraline = 0

# allow on-the-fly generation of repository tarballs
allow_tar = 0

# allow annotation of files.
allow_annotate = 1

# allow pretty-printed version of files
allow_markup = 1

# allow compression with gzip of output if the Browser accepts it
# [make sure to have gzip in the path]
allow_compress = 1

# The directory which contains the EZT templates used by ViewVC to
# customize the display of the various output views.  ViewVC looks in
# this directory for files with names that match the name of the view
# ("log", "directory", etc.) plus the ".ezt" extension.  If specified
# as a relative path, it is relative to the ViewVC installation
# directory; absolute paths may be used as well.
# If %lang% occurs in the pathname, then the selected language will be
# substituted.
template_dir = templates

# Web path to a directory that contains ViewVC static files
# (stylesheets, images, etc.)  If set, static files will get
# downloaded directory from this location.  If unset, static files
# will be served by the ViewVC script (at a likely performance
# penalty, and from the "docroot" subdirectory of the directory
# specified by the "template_dir" option).
#docroot = /docroot

# Show last changelog message for sub directories
# The current implementation makes many assumptions and may show the
# incorrect file at some times. The main assumption is that the last
# modified file has the newest filedate. But some CVS operations
# touches the file without even when a new version is not checked in,
# and TAG based browsing essentially puts this out of order, unless
# the last checkin was on the same tag as you are viewing.
# Enable this if you like the feature, but don't rely on correct results.
show_subdir_lastmod = 0

# show a portion of the most recent log entry in directory listings
show_logs = 1

# Show log when viewing file contents
show_log_in_markup = 1

# Cross filesystem copies when traversing Subversion file revision histories.
cross_copies = 1

# Display dates as UTC or in local time zone
use_localtime = 0
#use_localtime = 1

# == Configuration defaults ==
# Defaults for configuration variables that shouldn't need
# to be configured..

# If you want to use Marc-Andrew Lemburg's py2html (and Just van Rossum's
# PyFontify) to colorize Python files, then you may need to change this
# variable to point to their directory location.
# This directory AND the standard Python path will be searched.
py2html_path = .
#py2html_path = /usr/local/lib/python1.5/site-python

# the length to which the most recent log entry should be truncated when
# shown in the directory view
short_log_len = 80

# should we use 'enscript' for syntax coloring?
use_enscript = 0

# if the enscript program is not on the path, set this value
enscript_path =
# enscript_path = /usr/bin/

# should we use 'highlight' for syntax coloring?
# NOTE: use_enscript has to be 0 or enscript will be used instead
use_highlight = 0

# if the highlight program is not on the path, set this value
# highlight_path = /usr/bin

# should we add line numbers?
highlight_line_numbers = 1

# convert tabs to ## spaces (use 0 for no conversion)
highlight_convert_tabs = 2

# use php to colorize .php and .inc files?
use_php = 0

# path to php executable
# (This should be set to the path of a PHP CLI executable, not the path
# to a CGI executable. If you use a CGI executable, you may see "no input file
# specified" or "force-cgi-redirect" errors instead of colorized source. The
# output of "php -v" tells you whether an given executable is CLI or CGI.)
php_exe_path = php
# php_exe_path = /usr/local/bin/php
# php_exe_path = C:\Program Files\php\cli\php.exe

# Use CvsGraph. See http://www.akhphd.au.dk/~bertho/cvsgraph/ for
# documentation and download. 
use_cvsgraph = 0
# use_cvsgraph = 1

# if the cvsgraph program is not on the path, set this value
cvsgraph_path =
# cvsgraph_path = /usr/local/bin/

# Location of the customized cvsgraph configuration file.  
# You will need an absolute pathname here:
cvsgraph_conf = cvsgraph.conf

# Set to enable regular expression search of all files in a directory
#   Enabling this option can consume HUGE amounts of server time. A
#   "checkout" must be performed on *each* file in a directory, and
#   the result needs to be searched for a match against the regular
#   expression.
# SECURITY WARNING:  Denial Of Service
#   Since a user can enter the regular expression, it is possible for
#   them to enter an expression with many alternatives and a lot of
#   backtracking. Executing that search over thousands of lines over
#   dozens of files can easily tie up a server for a long period of
#   time.
# This option should only be used on sites with trusted users. It is
# highly inadvisable to use this on a public site.
use_re_search = 0
# use_re_search = 1

# Split directories and logs into pages.
# Allows ViewVC to present discrete pages to the users instead of the
# entire log or directory.
# Set use_pagesize to the number of entries you want displayed on a page.
use_pagesize = 0
# use_pagesize = 20

# Limit number of changed paths shown per commit in the Subversion revision
# view and in query results. This is not a hard limit (the UI provides
# options to show all changed paths), but it prevents ViewVC from generating
# enormous and hard to read pages by default when they happen to contain
# import or merge commits affecting hundreds or thousands of files.
# Set to 0 to disable the limit.
limit_changes = 100


# You can override the templates used by various ViewVC views in this
# section.  By default, ViewVC will look for templates in the
# directory specified by the "template_dir" configuration option (see
# the documentation for that option for details).  But if you want to
# use a different template for a particular view, simply uncomment the
# appropriate option below and specify the currect location of the EZT
# template file you wish to use for that view.
# Templates are specified relative to the installation directory, but
# absolute paths may also be used as well.
# If %lang% occurs in the pathname, then the selected language will be
# substituted.
# Note: the selected language is defined by the "languages" item in the
#       [general] section, and based on the request's Accept-Language
#       header.
#directory = templates/directory.ezt
### an alternative directory view
#directory = templates/dir_new.ezt   
#log = templates/log.ezt
### a table-based alternative log view
#log = templates/log_table.ezt  
#query = templates/query.ezt
#diff = templates/diff.ezt
#graph = templates/graph.ezt
#annotate = templates/annotate.ezt
#markup = templates/markup.ezt
#revision = templates/revision.ezt
#query_form = templates/query_form.ezt
#query_results = templates/query_results.ezt
#error = templates/error.ezt
#roots = templates/roots.ezt


enabled = 0
#host = localhost
#port = 3306
#database_name = ViewVC
#user = 
#passwd = 
#readonly_user = 
#readonly_passwd = 
#row_limit = 1000

### DOC

# vhost1 = glob1, glob2
# vhost2 = glob3, glob4

# [vhost1-section]
# option = value
# [vhost1-othersection]
# option = value
# [vhost2-section]
# option = value

# Here is an example:
# [vhosts]
# lyra = *lyra.org
# [lyra-general]
# forbidden = hideme
# [lyra-options]
# show_logs = 0
# Note that "lyra" is the "canonical" name for all hosts in the lyra.org
# domain. This canonical name is then used within the additional, vhost-
# specific sections to override specific values in the common sections.



sudo apachectl restart

http:// あなたのホスト /viewvc/

[2008-08-18-2] Subversionのリポジトリを作成する
[2008-08-18-1] FreeBSD Subversionをインストールする
[2007-12-14-1] Unfuddle ソフトウェアディベロッパー向けサービス

参照しているページ (サイト内): [2008-08-21-1]








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2015 : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
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